Showproof Limited, Glasgow

Showproof Limited is a private limited company. Registered at 50 Drymen Road, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 4AB, the aforementioned 32 years old firm was incorporated on 1991-12-13 and is classified as "development of building projects" (SIC: 41100).
2 directors can be found in this enterprise: Gordon A. (appointed on 07 January 1992), Sandra A. (appointed on 07 January 1992). As for the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Sandra A. (appointed on 07 January 1992).
Name: Showproof Limited
Number: SC135592
Incorporation date: 1991-12-13
End of financial year: 31 December
Address: 50 Drymen Road
G61 4AB
SIC code: 41100 - Development of building projects
Company staff
People with significant control
Gordon A.
30 June 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
significiant influence or control
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares

The due date for Showproof Limited confirmation statement filing is 2023-12-15. The previous one was filed on 2022-12-01. The date for a subsequent accounts filing is 30 September 2024. Most current accounts filing was filed for the time period up to 31 December 2022.

1 person of significant control is indexed in the official register, a solitary professional Gordon A. that has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, has substantial control or influence.

Company filing
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Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Gazette Incorporation Mortgage Officers Resolution
Accounts for a dormant company made up to 2022-12-31
filed on: 19th, October 2023 | accounts
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