Data about New Zealand businesses now available at is a brand new database that addresses the need of internet users for updated and accessible business data about the market of New Zealand. A few clicks are enough to get access to a wealth of business information about New Zealand companies. Thanks to, users can then quickly analyze the local business scene or check out their main competitors in the area. They can be sure that all data is regularly updated and reviewed by the team. has been optimized to match the needs of everyone looking for company data – entrepreneurs, market analysts, and curious users who want to understand the commercial landscape of New Zealand better.

The platform provides exhaustive information about large, mid-sized and small enterprises located or registered in New Zealand.

The business scene in New Zealand is lively and dynamic as the country is home to thousands of companies.

Those who would like to find out more about the local business scene usually turn to online business directories. But these databases are complex, vast, and hard to make sense of. On top of that, they often feature fragmentary or outdated information. is different. All users need is the company name or postal code, and they can gain access to a range of relevant search results that help them to find the data they need.

What kind of company data is featured on

Every company profile is rich with relevant and actionable information.

Users will find necessary data about the enterprise's name, number, status, industry classification code, industry classification description, and current address at the top of the page. Scrolling down, they'll see a concise description of the company. also provides users with information about the company's principal places of activity – registered and physical – and offers a complete list of the organization's previous addresses.

But that's not everything

The platform also features practical financial data about company shareholders and directors. For the latter, users can find their addresses and appointment dates which are displayed on a clear timeline. is an innovative database that was created with users in mind. Searching for company data has never been easier. Users interested in learning more about the business scene of New Zealand now have a powerful tool at their disposal which helps to find relevant information quickly.