52-54 The Drive Hove Limited, Brighton

52-54 The Drive Hove Limited is a private limited company. Located at 2 Church Street, Brighton BN1 1UJ, the above-mentioned 22 years old enterprise was incorporated on 2002-08-27 and is officially classified as "residents property management" (SIC code: 98000).
5 directors can be found in the company: Teresa A. (appointed on 02 October 2023), Elaine C. (appointed on 27 April 2012), Alon C. (appointed on 27 April 2012).
Name: 52-54 The Drive Hove Limited
Number: 04518811
Incorporation date: 2002-08-27
End of financial year: 24 March
Address: 2 Church Street
SIC code: 98000 - Residents property management
Company staff
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2011-03-24 2012-03-24 2013-03-24 2014-03-24 2015-03-24 2016-03-24 2017-03-24 2018-03-24 2019-03-24 2020-03-24 2021-03-24 2022-03-24 2023-03-24
Current Assets - - - - - 2,102 1,455 1,522 1,589 1,668 1,723 1,779 1,822
Fixed Assets - - - - - 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286
Number Shares Allotted - 18 18 18 18 18 - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds - - - - - 2,060 - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 - - - - - - -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 61,286 63,346 62,741 62,808 62,875 62,954 63,009 63,065 63,108

The date for 52-54 The Drive Hove Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-09-10. The last one was sent on 2023-08-27. The due date for the next statutory accounts filing is 24 December 2023. Most recent accounts filing was sent for the time up to 24 March 2022.

Company filing
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Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Resolution
Accounts for a micro company for the period ending on 2023/03/24
filed on: 19th, November 2023 | accounts
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