A30 Business Park Limited, St Austell

A30 Business Park Limited is a private limited company. Located at 9 Tregarne Terrace, St Austell PL25 4DD, the above-mentioned 8 years old firm was incorporated on 2016-08-30 and is officially classified as "development of building projects" (SIC code: 41100).
2 directors can be found in the firm: Andrew H. (appointed on 30 August 2016), William H. (appointed on 30 August 2016).
Name: A30 Business Park Limited
Number: 10351238
Incorporation date: 2016-08-30
End of financial year: 30 April
Address: 9 Tregarne Terrace
St Austell
PL25 4DD
SIC code: 41100 - Development of building projects
Company staff
People with significant control
Andrew H.
30 August 2016
Nature of control: significiant influence or control
William H.
30 August 2016
Nature of control: significiant influence or control
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2017-04-30 2018-04-30 2019-04-30 2020-04-30 2021-04-30 2022-04-30 2023-04-30
Current Assets 191,648 106,620 67,028 176,999 135,527 266,075 99,748
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities -3,901 -7,355 -14,271 -35,285 6,881 67,687 140,942

The date for A30 Business Park Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-01-02. The last one was sent on 2022-12-19. The deadline for a subsequent annual accounts filing is 31 January 2025. Latest accounts filing was filed for the time up to 30 April 2023.

2 persons of significant control are listed in the official register, namely: Andrew H. who has substantial control or influence. William H. who has substantial control or influence.

Company filing
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Accounts Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage
Confirmation statement with no updates 2024/02/01
filed on: 4th, March 2024 | confirmation statement
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