Able Fire And Security Limited, Long Eaton

Able Fire and Security Limited is a private limited company. Located at 324A Wilsthorpe Road, Long Eaton NG10 4AA, the aforementioned 13 years old company was incorporated on 2011-03-01 and is categorised as "other construction installation" (Standard Industrial Classification: 43290).
2 directors can be found in the business: Adrian B. (appointed on 01 March 2011), Yvonne B. (appointed on 01 March 2011).
Name: Able Fire And Security Limited
Number: 07547088
Incorporation date: 2011-03-01
End of financial year: 31 July
Address: 324a Wilsthorpe Road
Long Eaton
NG10 4AA
SIC code: 43290 - Other construction installation
Company staff
People with significant control
Adrian B.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% shares
Yvonne B.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% shares
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2012-07-31 2013-07-31 2014-07-31 2015-07-31 2016-07-31 2017-07-31 2018-07-31 2019-07-31 2020-07-31 2021-07-31 2022-07-31 2023-07-31
Current Assets 27,371 19,942 23,511 - 34,312 52,993 74,983 79,982 58,874 64,713 70,254 71,398
Fixed Assets 10,291 8,141 - - 1,522 1,525 1,831 3,162 16,564 14,829 14,827 14,624
Number Shares Allotted 100 100 100 100 100 - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 13,971 11,025 13,029 20,711 23,171 - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 10,291 8,141 6,942 1,843 1,522 - - - - - - -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 16,350 12,857 14,347 21,061 23,171 41,367 59,520 68,431 65,226 68,258 76,407 78,234

The deadline for Able Fire and Security Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-03-15. The last one was sent on 2023-03-01. The target date for the next annual accounts filing is 30 April 2024. Latest accounts filing was filed for the time period up until 31 July 2022.

2 persons of significant control are reported in the Companies House, namely: Adrian B. who owns 1/2 or less of shares. Yvonne B. who owns 1/2 or less of shares.

Company filing
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Accounts Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation
Confirmation statement with no updates Fri, 1st Mar 2024
filed on: 1st, May 2024 | confirmation statement
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