Awakeconbal Limited, London

Awakeconbal Limited is a private limited company. Located at 197 Ebury Bridge Road, London SW1W 8RY, the aforementioned 10 years old enterprise was incorporated on 2014-11-20 and is classified as "physical well-being activities" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 96040), "fitness facilities" (SIC code: 93130).
1 director can be found in this enterprise: Zenab S. (appointed on 18 April 2018).
Name: Awakeconbal Limited
Number: 09320092
Incorporation date: 2014-11-20
End of financial year: 31 May
Address: 197 Ebury Bridge Road
SIC code: 96040 - Physical well-being activities
93130 - Fitness facilities
Company staff
People with significant control
Zaneb S.
18 April 2018
Nature of control: significiant influence or control
75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
Rakiah A.
4 June 2016 - 18 April 2018
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2015-11-30 2016-11-30 2017-11-30 2018-11-30 2019-11-30 2020-11-30 2021-11-30
Current Assets 24,228 12,191 22,768 14,163 9,644 11,786 6,500
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities -54,272 -208,778 -329,004 -448,854 -611,899 -794,022 -871,041
Fixed Assets 10,124 8,054 - - - - -
Shareholder Funds -54,272 -208,778 - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 10,124 8,054 - - - - -

The target date for Awakeconbal Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-05-03. The most current one was sent on 2023-04-19. The date for the next annual accounts filing is 29 February 2024. Previous accounts filing was filed for the time up until 30 November 2021.

2 persons of significant control are indexed in the Companies House, namely: Zaneb S. who has over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights, has substantial control or influence. Rakiah A. who has over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights.

Company filing
Filter filings by category:
Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Gazette Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control
1st Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off
filed on: 9th, July 2024 | gazette
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