Brandsmiths Consulting Ltd, Waterlooville
Brandsmiths Consulting Ltd is a private limited company. Registered at 24 Picton House, Hussar Court, Waterlooville PO7 7SQ, the above-mentioned 7 years old firm was incorporated on 2017-10-06 and is officially categorised as "other business support service activities not elsewhere classified" (SIC code: 82990).1 director can be found in this business: Adam S. (appointed on 06 October 2017).
About | |
Name: Brandsmiths Consulting Ltd | |
Number: 11000798 | |
Incorporation date: 2017-10-06 | |
End of financial year: 31 October |
Address: |
24 Picton House Hussar Court Waterlooville PO7 7SQ |
SIC code: |
82990 - Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified |
Address | 24 Picton House Hussar Court, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7SQ, United Kingdom |
Legal authority | Companies House Act 2006 |
Legal form | Private Limited Company |
Country registered | England |
Place registered | The Registrar Of Companies |
Registration number | 05137666 |
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors |
Nature of control: |
right to appoint and remove directors |
The date for Brandsmiths Consulting Ltd confirmation statement filing is 2024-10-19. The previous one was filed on 2023-10-05. The target date for a subsequent annual accounts filing is 31 July 2024. Most recent accounts filing was filed for the time up until 31 October 2022.
2 persons of significant control are listed in the Companies House, namely: A C Smith Holdings Limited owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights. This corporate PSC is located at Hussar Court, PO7 7SQ Waterlooville, Hampshire.
Type | Free download | |
AA |
Dormant company accounts made up to October 31, 2023 filed on: 17th, January 2024 | accounts |
Free Download (6 pages) |
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