Cammell Laird (teesside) Limited, 33 Wellington Street

Cammell Laird (Teesside) Limited is a private limited company. Located at Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp, Benson House, 33 Wellington Street LS1 4JP, the above-mentioned 36 years old firm was incorporated on 1987-11-24 and is categorised as "building and repairing of ships" (SIC code: 3511).
2 directors can be found in the business: Richard B. (appointed on 28 October 2000), Derek T. (appointed on 03 February 1999). As for the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: David C. (appointed on 08 September 1998).
Name: Cammell Laird (teesside) Limited
Number: 02198111
Incorporation date: 1987-11-24
End of financial year: 30 April
Address: Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp
Benson House
33 Wellington Street
SIC code: 3511 - Building and repairing of ships
Company staff

The date for Cammell Laird (Teesside) Limited confirmation statement filing is 2017-03-27. The target date for a subsequent statutory accounts filing is 28 February 2002. Most recent accounts filing was sent for the time up until 30 April 2000.

Company filing
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Restoration by order of the court
filed on: 18th, August 2020 | restoration
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