Central Fisheries Garforth Ltd, Leeds

Central Fisheries Garforth Ltd is a private limited company. Located at 69 Main Street, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1AA, the aforementioned 4 years old business was incorporated on 2019-11-07 and is classified as "take-away food shops and mobile food stands" (SIC code: 56103).
1 director can be found in this enterprise: Paul E. (appointed on 07 November 2019).
Name: Central Fisheries Garforth Ltd
Number: 12302731
Incorporation date: 2019-11-07
End of financial year: 30 November
Address: 69 Main Street
LS25 1AA
SIC code: 56103 - Take-away food shops and mobile food stands
Company staff
People with significant control
Paul E.
7 November 2019
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2020-11-30 2021-11-30 2022-11-30 2023-11-30
Current Assets 46,185 61,126 36,157 28,645
Fixed Assets 1,275 1,191 2,500 3,107
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 27,820 40,924 25,453 10,256

The date for Central Fisheries Garforth Ltd confirmation statement filing is 2023-11-20. The last confirmation statement was sent on 2022-11-06. The date for a subsequent statutory accounts filing is 31 August 2024. Last accounts filing was submitted for the time up until 30 November 2022.

1 person of significant control is listed in the Companies House, an only person Paul E. that has over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights.

Company filing
Filter filings by category:
Accounts Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
Total exemption full accounts data made up to 2023-11-30
filed on: 7th, August 2024 | accounts
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