Comptoir Des Entrepeneurs S.a., 4/6 Throgmorton Avenue

Comptoir Des Entrepeneurs S.a. is an other company type. Situated at Jean-Pierre Husband +2, C/O Comptoir Des Entrepreneurs, 4/6 Throgmorton Avenue EC2N 2PP, this 33 years old enterprise was incorporated on 1990-05-21.
10 directors can be found in this business: B. (appointed on 17 October 1990), Jacques B. (appointed on 17 October 1990), Alain C. (appointed on 17 October 1990). As for the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Rene K. (appointed on 17 October 1990).
Name: Comptoir Des Entrepeneurs S.a.
Number: FC015708
Incorporation date: 1990-05-21
End of financial year: 31 December
Address: Jean-pierre Husband +2
C/o Comptoir Des Entrepreneurs
4/6 Throgmorton Avenue
Company staff

The target date for Comptoir Des Entrepeneurs S.a. confirmation statement filing is 2017-06-04. Most current accounts filing was submitted for the time up to 31 December 1993.

Company filing
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Admin closure 02/01/1998
filed on: 2nd, January 1998 | miscellaneous
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