Ea Business Services Ltd, London

Ea Business Services Ltd is a private limited company. Registered at 20 Westerham Ave, Edmonton Edmonton, London N9 9BU, this 13 years old business was incorporated on 2011-02-28 and is classified as "bookkeeping activities" (SIC: 69202).
1 director can be found in the enterprise: Marianna E. (appointed on 28 February 2011).
Name: Ea Business Services Ltd
Number: 07545836
Incorporation date: 2011-02-28
End of financial year: 31 March
Address: 20 Westerham Ave
Edmonton Edmonton
N9 9BU
SIC code: 69202 - Bookkeeping activities
Company staff
People with significant control
Marianna E.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2012-03-31 2013-03-31 2014-03-31 2015-03-31 2016-03-31 2017-03-31 2018-03-31 2019-03-31 2020-03-31 2021-03-31 2022-03-31
Current Assets 23,259 16,254 19,592 18,439 23,633 22,126 22,797 15,114 23,139 19,405 20,814
Fixed Assets 1,125 844 633 475 356 267 200 150 113 84 63
Shareholder Funds 3,443 2,965 8,782 5,088 7,907 11,023 - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 1,125 844 633 475 356 - - - - - -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 3,443 2,965 8,782 5,088 7,907 11,023 13,537 9,048 9,274 1,893 403
Number Shares Allotted - 100 100 100 100 - - - - - -

The due date for Ea Business Services Ltd confirmation statement filing is 2024-03-07. The latest confirmation statement was filed on 2023-02-22. The date for a subsequent statutory accounts filing is 31 December 2023. Latest accounts filing was filed for the time period up until 31 March 2022.

1 person of significant control is reported in the Companies House, an only professional Marianna E. that has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights.

Company filing
Filter filings by category:
Accounts Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
Confirmation statement with no updates 2024-02-21
filed on: 4th, March 2024 | confirmation statement
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