Gjm Accountancy Services Ltd, Swindon
Gjm Accountancy Services Ltd is a private limited company. Registered at 7 Linley Close, Old Town, Swindon SN1 4DY, the above-mentioned 12 years old business was incorporated on 2012-06-20 and is classified as "accounting and auditing activities" (SIC code: 69201).1 director can be found in this enterprise: John G. (appointed on 20 June 2012).
About | |
Name: Gjm Accountancy Services Ltd | |
Number: 08112417 | |
Incorporation date: 2012-06-20 | |
End of financial year: 30 June |
Address: |
7 Linley Close Old Town Swindon SN1 4DY |
SIC code: |
69201 - Accounting and auditing activities |
Nature of control: |
significiant influence or control |
Date of Accounts | 2013-06-30 | 2014-06-30 | 2015-06-30 | 2016-06-30 | 2017-06-30 | 2018-06-30 | 2019-06-30 | 2020-06-30 | 2021-06-30 | 2022-06-30 | 2023-06-30 |
Current Assets | 31,714 | 22,634 | 16,193 | 486 | 417 | 417 | 417 | - | 100 | 100 | - |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 27,412 | 6,169 | 8,041 | 586 | 517 | 517 | 517 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Number Shares Allotted | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 100 | - | - |
Shareholder Funds | 27,412 | 6,169 | 8,041 | 586 | 517 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
The date for Gjm Accountancy Services Ltd confirmation statement filing is 2024-07-03. The previous one was filed on 2023-06-19. The date for a subsequent annual accounts filing is 31 March 2024. Last accounts filing was sent for the time up to 30 June 2022.
1 person of significant control is reported in the official register, has substantial control or influence.
Type | Free download | |
CS01 |
Confirmation statement with no updates 19th June 2024 filed on: 15th, July 2024 | confirmation statement |
Free Download (3 pages) |
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