Huntsmoor Limited, London

Huntsmoor Limited is a private limited company. Located at 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3TW, this 36 years old firm was incorporated on 1987-10-29 and is officially classified as "other business support service activities not elsewhere classified" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 82990).
4 directors can be found in this enterprise: Ronald G. (appointed on 02 May 2012), Nicholas H. (appointed on 02 June 2011), Richard B. (appointed on 15 June 2009). Among the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Grant W. (appointed on 18 October 2001).
Name: Huntsmoor Limited
Number: 02185097
Incorporation date: 1987-10-29
End of financial year: 30 April
Address: 5 New Street Square
SIC code: 82990 - Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified
Company staff
People with significant control
Taylor Wessing Limited Liability Partnership
6 April 2016
Address 5 New Street Square, London, EC4A 3TW, United Kingdom
Legal authority United Kingdom (England And Wales)
Legal form Limited Liability Partnership
Country registered England And Wales
Place registered Companies House
Registration number Oc322935
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2011-04-30 2012-04-30 2013-04-30 2014-04-30 2015-04-30 2016-04-30 2017-04-30 2018-04-30 2019-04-30 2020-04-30 2021-04-30 2022-04-30 2023-04-30
Number Shares Allotted - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Shareholder Funds 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - - -

The target date for Huntsmoor Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-06-13. The latest confirmation statement was sent on 2023-05-30. The date for a subsequent accounts filing is 31 January 2025. Latest accounts filing was sent for the time up until 30 April 2023.

1 person of significant control is listed in the Companies House, an only firm Taylor Wessing Limited Liability Partnership that has over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights. This corporate PSC is located at New Street Square, EC4A 3TW London.

Company filing
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Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
Dormant company accounts reported for the period up to Sunday 30th April 2023
filed on: 6th, June 2023 | accounts
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