Innosonian Europe Limited, Basingstoke
Innosonian Europe Limited is a private limited company. Located at Springpark House, Basing View, Basingstoke RG21 4HG, the above-mentioned 8 years old company was incorporated on 2016-04-08 and is classified as "other human health activities" (SIC: 86900).2 directors can be found in the enterprise: Jonathan G. (appointed on 08 April 2016), Mok C. (appointed on 08 April 2016).
About | |
Name: Innosonian Europe Limited | |
Number: 10113039 | |
Incorporation date: 2016-04-08 | |
End of financial year: 30 April |
Address: |
Springpark House Basing View Basingstoke RG21 4HG |
SIC code: |
86900 - Other human health activities |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights 25-50% shares |
Address | 12 Fratton Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 5BX, England |
Legal authority | Companies Act 2006 |
Legal form | Private Limited Company |
Country registered | England |
Place registered | Companies House |
Registration number | 09849863 |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights 25-50% shares |
Date of Accounts | 2022-04-30 | 2023-04-30 |
Current Assets | 1,433,918 | 839,732 |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 328,859 | 319,870 |
The due date for Innosonian Europe Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-04-20. The last one was sent on 2023-04-06. The date for the next annual accounts filing is 31 January 2024. Last accounts filing was sent for the time period up to 30 April 2022.
2 persons of significant control are reported in the official register, namely: Mok C. who owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights. Spencer Stuart Limited owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights. The corporate PSC is located at Fratton Road, PO1 5BX Portsmouth, Hampshire.
Type | Free download | |
AA |
Total exemption full accounts record for the accounting period up to Sunday 30th April 2023 filed on: 30th, April 2024 | accounts |
Free Download (10 pages) |
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