Kvaerner Humberoak Limited, Dyce

Kvaerner Humberoak Limited is a private limited company. Located at Howe Moss Avenue, Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce AB21 0GP, this 48 years old enterprise was incorporated on 1975-10-02 and is categorised as "non-trading company" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 7499).
1 director can be found in this business: Rufus L. (appointed on 10 October 2003).
Name: Kvaerner Humberoak Limited
Number: SC058692
Incorporation date: 1975-10-02
End of financial year: 31 December
Address: Howe Moss Avenue
Kirkhill Industrial Estate
AB21 0GP
SIC code: 7499 - Non-trading company
Company staff

The target date for the next annual accounts filing is 31 October 2006. Most current accounts filing was sent for the time up until 31 December 2004.