Labour Together Projects Limited, London

Labour Together Projects Limited is a private limited company. Located at Langley House Park Road, East Finchley, London N2 8EY, the above-mentioned 1 year old company was incorporated on 2023-07-03 and is officially categorised as "research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 72200).
1 director can be found in this firm: Joshua S. (appointed on 03 July 2023).
Name: Labour Together Projects Limited
Number: 14974951
Incorporation date: 2023-07-03
End of financial year: 31 July
Address: Langley House Park Road
East Finchley
N2 8EY
SIC code: 72200 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
Company staff
People with significant control
Labour Together Limited
3 July 2023
Address Langley House Park Road, East Finchley, London, N2 8EY, United Kingdom
Legal authority Companies Act 2006
Legal form Private Company Limited By Guarantee Without Share
Country registered United Kingdom
Place registered Companies House
Registration number 09630980
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors

The target date for Labour Together Projects Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-07-16. The deadline for the next annual accounts filing is 03 April 2025.

1 person of significant control is listed in the official register, a solitary firm Labour Together Limited that owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights. This corporate PSC is located at Park Road, East Finchley, N2 8EY London.

Company filing
Filter filings by category:
Accounts Confirmation statement Incorporation
Previous accounting period shortened from 2024-07-31 to 2024-06-30
filed on: 26th, July 2024 | accounts
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