M247 Estates Limited, Manchester

M247 Estates Limited is a private limited company. Previously, it was called Globalaxs Communications Ltd (changed on 2013-12-11). Situated at Turing House, Archway 5, Manchester M15 5RL, this 21 years old enterprise was incorporated on 2003-10-10 and is officially classified as "information technology consultancy activities" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 62020).
3 directors can be found in this company: Graeme C. (appointed on 17 June 2024), Darryl E. (appointed on 01 September 2021), John H. (appointed on 04 August 2021).
Name: M247 Estates Limited
Number: 04928706
Incorporation date: 2003-10-10
End of financial year: 31 March
Address: Turing House
Archway 5
M15 5RL
SIC code: 62020 - Information technology consultancy activities
Company staff
People with significant control
M247 Limited
11 October 2016
Address Turing House Archway 5, Manchester, M15 5RL, England
Legal authority Companies Act 2006
Legal form Limited Company
Country registered England
Place registered Companies House
Registration number 04968341
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2011-04-30 2012-04-30
Number Shares Allotted - 103
Shareholder Funds 103 103

The target date for M247 Estates Limited confirmation statement filing is 2023-12-24. The most current confirmation statement was submitted on 2022-12-10. The due date for the next accounts filing is 31 December 2023. Most current accounts filing was submitted for the time up to 31 March 2022.

1 person of significant control is indexed in the official register, an only firm M247 Limited who owns over 3/4 of shares. The corporate PSC can be found at Archway 5, M15 5RL Manchester.

Company filing
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Full accounts for the period ending Fri, 31st Mar 2023
filed on: 12th, January 2024 | accounts
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