M2t Edificios Ltd, Wirral

M2T Edificios Ltd is a private limited company. Registered at 10 Saxon Road, Hoylake, Wirral CH47 3AE, the aforementioned 5 years old enterprise was incorporated on 2019-08-02 and is officially categorised as "other letting and operating of own or leased real estate" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 68209), "buying and selling of own real estate" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 68100), "development of building projects" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 41100).
1 director can be found in the company: Tony L. (appointed on 02 August 2019). As for the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Wendy P. (appointed on 15 December 2020).
Name: M2t Edificios Ltd
Number: 12136462
Incorporation date: 2019-08-02
End of financial year: 30 September
Address: 10 Saxon Road
CH47 3AE
SIC code: 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate
68100 - Buying and selling of own real estate
41100 - Development of building projects
Company staff
People with significant control
Tony L.
2 August 2019
Nature of control: significiant influence or control

The target date for M2T Edificios Ltd confirmation statement filing is 2024-08-15. The most recent confirmation statement was filed on 2023-08-01. The due date for the next accounts filing is 30 June 2024. Latest accounts filing was submitted for the time up to 30 September 2022.

1 person of significant control is indexed in the official register, has substantial control or influence.

Company filing
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Accounts Address Confirmation statement Dissolution Gazette Incorporation Officers
Final Gazette dissolved via voluntary strike-off
filed on: 13th, August 2024 | gazette
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