Melon Bytes Limited, London

Melon Bytes Limited is a private limited company. Situated at 7 Chequers Parade, Passey Place, London SE9 1DD, this 10 years old company was incorporated on 2014-04-09 and is classified as "information technology consultancy activities" (SIC code: 62020), "business and domestic software development" (SIC: 62012), "other information technology service activities" (SIC: 62090).
2 directors can be found in this firm: Stephanie B. (appointed on 01 February 2019), Raymond B. (appointed on 09 April 2014). As for the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Stephanie B. (appointed on 09 April 2014).
Name: Melon Bytes Limited
Number: 08988187
Incorporation date: 2014-04-09
End of financial year: 30 April
Address: 7 Chequers Parade
Passey Place
SIC code: 62020 - Information technology consultancy activities
62012 - Business and domestic software development
62090 - Other information technology service activities
62030 - Computer facilities management activities
Company staff
People with significant control
Raymond B.
9 April 2017
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2019-04-30 2020-04-30 2021-04-30 2022-04-30 2023-04-30
Current Assets 4,887 49,004 36,342 32,735 14,801
Fixed Assets 8,847 14,800 13,648 10,651 8,151
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 5,222 29,541 17,593 5,544 -

The date for Melon Bytes Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-03-04. The previous confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-02-19. The deadline for the next accounts filing is 31 January 2025. Most current accounts filing was submitted for the time up to 30 April 2023.

1 person of significant control is indexed in the official register, an only individual Raymond B. that owns over 3/4 of shares.

Company filing
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Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
Confirmation statement with no updates 2024/02/19
filed on: 2nd, March 2024 | confirmation statement
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