Munch Bite Limited, Pinner
Munch Bite Limited is a private limited company. Located at 29 Albury Drive, Pinner HA5 3RL, the aforementioned 8 years old business was incorporated on 2016-08-25 and is officially categorised as "other retail sale of food in specialised stores" (SIC code: 47290).2 directors can be found in the company: Mitul P. (appointed on 26 August 2016), Manisha P. (appointed on 25 August 2016).
About | |
Name: Munch Bite Limited | |
Number: 10346416 | |
Incorporation date: 2016-08-25 | |
End of financial year: 31 August |
Address: |
29 Albury Drive Pinner HA5 3RL |
SIC code: |
47290 - Other retail sale of food in specialised stores |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors significiant influence or control 25-50% shares |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors significiant influence or control 25-50% shares |
Date of Accounts | 2017-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | 2019-08-31 | 2020-08-31 | 2021-08-31 | 2022-08-31 | 2023-08-31 |
Number Shares Allotted | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Shareholder Funds | 100 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
The date for Munch Bite Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-09-07. The most recent confirmation statement was sent on 2023-08-24. The due date for a subsequent accounts filing is 31 May 2024. Most recent accounts filing was sent for the time up to 31 August 2022.
2 persons of significant control are reported in the official register, namely: Manisha P. that owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, has substantial control or influence. Jayesh K. that owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, has substantial control or influence.
Type | Free download | |
CS01 |
Confirmation statement with no updates 2024-08-24 filed on: 2nd, September 2024 | confirmation statement |
Free Download (3 pages) |
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