Naseem Khan Consulting Limited, Harrow

Naseem Khan Consulting Limited is a private limited company. Registered at 33 Rushout Avenue, Harrow HA3 0AS, the aforementioned 8 years old business was incorporated on 2016-08-08 and is categorised as "management consultancy activities other than financial management" (SIC code: 70229).
1 director can be found in the enterprise: Naseem K. (appointed on 08 August 2016).
Name: Naseem Khan Consulting Limited
Number: 10317178
Incorporation date: 2016-08-08
End of financial year: 31 August
Address: 33 Rushout Avenue
SIC code: 70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management
Company staff
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2017-08-31 2018-08-31 2019-08-31 2020-08-31 2021-08-31 2022-08-31 2023-08-31
Current Assets 30,843 42,256 17,249 38,682 27,458 27,458 21,382
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 7,369 49,501 39,553 38,739 27,458 27,458 21,382

The date for Naseem Khan Consulting Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-08-21. The latest one was filed on 2023-08-07. The date for a subsequent accounts filing is 31 May 2024. Most recent accounts filing was submitted for the time up to 31 August 2022.

Company filing
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Accounts Confirmation statement Incorporation
Accounts for a micro company for the period ending on 2023/08/31
filed on: 1st, June 2024 | accounts
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