Riox Developments Limited, Leominster

Riox Developments Limited is a private limited company. Located at 5 Lowermead, Yarpole, Leominster HR6 0FE, this 6 years old enterprise was incorporated on 2018-04-17 and is categorised as "construction of domestic buildings" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 41202).
2 directors can be found in the enterprise: Josephine W. (appointed on 17 April 2018), Jeffrey W. (appointed on 17 April 2018).
Name: Riox Developments Limited
Number: 11313778
Incorporation date: 2018-04-17
End of financial year: 28 February
Address: 5 Lowermead
SIC code: 41202 - Construction of domestic buildings
Company staff
People with significant control
Jeffrey W.
17 April 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares
Josephine W.
17 April 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2019-02-28 2020-02-29 2021-02-28 2022-02-28 2023-02-28
Current Assets 669,984 673,330 357,608 279,796 251,533
Fixed Assets - - 357,608 279,796 -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities - - 307,343 260,979 232,141

The target date for Riox Developments Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-04-30. The most current one was sent on 2023-04-16. The date for the next statutory accounts filing is 30 November 2023. Most current accounts filing was sent for the time up until 28 February 2022.

2 persons of significant control are listed in the Companies House, namely: Jeffrey W. who owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights. Josephine W. who owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights.

Company filing
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Accounts Address Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage
Micro company financial statements for the year ending on Tue, 28th Feb 2023
filed on: 30th, November 2023 | accounts
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