Rob Finley Limited, Bromley

Rob Finley Limited is a private limited company. Located at 167 Southborough Lane, Bromley BR2 8AP, the above-mentioned 15 years old company was incorporated on 2009-01-23 and is classified as "other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified" (SIC: 74909).
1 director can be found in the firm: Robert F. (appointed on 23 January 2009). As for the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Annelies K. (appointed on 23 January 2009).
Name: Rob Finley Limited
Number: 06800192
Incorporation date: 2009-01-23
End of financial year: 31 March
Address: 167 Southborough Lane
SIC code: 74909 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified
Company staff
People with significant control
Robert F.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2011-07-31 2012-07-31 2013-07-31 2014-07-31 2015-03-31 2016-03-31 2017-03-31 2018-03-31 2019-03-31 2020-03-31 2021-03-31 2022-03-31 2023-03-30
Current Assets 45,794 38,175 28,615 22,496 11,423 19,925 21,659 14,390 15,198 11,243 12,646 12,646 17,588
Fixed Assets - 762 2,361 6,798 7,248 6,351 4,514 4,810 7,323 7,100 6,686 4,962 4,962
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 851 6,312 3,691 864 21 1,490 1,722 1,751 2,292 3,343 2,425 9,007 9,007
Number Shares Allotted - 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 851 6,312 3,691 864 21 220 - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets - 762 2,361 6,798 7,248 6,351 - - - - - - -

The due date for Rob Finley Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-02-06. The last one was sent on 2023-01-23. The deadline for the next statutory accounts filing is 31 December 2023. Most current accounts filing was submitted for the time period up to 31 March 2022.

1 person of significant control is indexed in the official register, a solitary person Robert F. that owns over 3/4 of shares.

Company filing
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Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Gazette Incorporation Officers Resolution
Compulsory strike-off action has been discontinued
filed on: 10th, July 2024 | gazette
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