Basstion Limited, Ilford

Basstion Limited is a private limited company. Once, it was called Shire Hall Homes Limited (changed on 2018-04-12). Located at 106 Charter Avenue, Ilford IG2 7AD, the above-mentioned 30 years old firm was incorporated on 1994-11-02 and is officially classified as "development of building projects" (SIC code: 41100), "construction of domestic buildings" (SIC: 41202).
3 directors can be found in the enterprise: Sandra D. (appointed on 08 April 2015), Stephanie F. (appointed on 09 June 2001), Alison D. (appointed on 09 June 2001). Among the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Sandra D. (appointed on 01 October 1996).
Name: Basstion Limited
Number: 02986052
Incorporation date: 1994-11-02
End of financial year: 31 March
Address: 106 Charter Avenue
SIC code: 41100 - Development of building projects
41202 - Construction of domestic buildings
Company staff
People with significant control
Sandra D.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares
Brian D.
6 April 2016 - 23 September 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares
Brian D.
6 April 2016 - 23 September 2018
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2012-03-31 2013-03-31 2014-03-31 2015-03-31 2016-03-31 2017-03-31 2018-03-31 2019-03-31 2020-03-31 2021-03-31 2022-03-31 2023-03-31 2024-03-31
Current Assets 2,028,176 1,984,117 1,828,897 2,340,724 2,399,293 3,065,272 3,697,099 4,556,564 4,368,522 4,366,804 4,483,547 4,843,261 4,670,694
Fixed Assets - - - - - - 74 61 2 835 835 419 3
Number Shares Allotted - 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 474,786 490,142 599,387 996,236 1,094,263 - - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 377 282 210 157 117 - - - - - - - -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 474,786 490,142 599,387 996,236 1,094,263 1,341,222 1,435,237 1,762,890 1,720,249 1,715,365 1,806,283 2,042,425 2,099,883

The date for Basstion Limited confirmation statement filing is 2023-11-16. The last confirmation statement was sent on 2022-11-02. The date for a subsequent accounts filing is 31 December 2024. Previous accounts filing was submitted for the time up to 31 March 2023.

3 persons of significant control are reported in the official register, namely: Sandra D. that owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights. Brian D. that owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights. Brian D. that owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights.

Company filing
Filter filings by category:
Accounts Address Annual return Capital Change of name Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
Total exemption full company accounts data drawn up to March 31, 2017
filed on: 11th, August 2017 | accounts
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