Sc005574 Limited, Glasgow

Sc005574 Limited is a private limited company. Formerly, it was called Soltero Limited (changed on 2021-08-05). Registered at Kintyre House, 209 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2LW, the above-mentioned 120 years old business was incorporated on 1904-04-05 and is officially categorised as "general mechanical engineering" (SIC: 2852), "building and repairing of ships" (Standard Industrial Classification code: 3511).
8 directors can be found in the business: John H. (appointed on 31 March 1992), Frederick H. (appointed on 04 March 1992), Kenneth U. (appointed on 04 March 1992). Moving to the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Frederick H. (appointed on 31 July 1993).
Name: Sc005574 Limited
Number: SC005574
Incorporation date: 1904-04-05
End of financial year: 31 March
Address: Kintyre House
209 West George Street
G2 2LW
SIC code: 2852 - General mechanical engineering
3511 - Building and repairing of ships
Company staff

The due date for Sc005574 Limited confirmation statement filing is 2016-09-28. The target date for a subsequent annual accounts filing is 31 January 1994. Last accounts filing was submitted for the time period up to 31 March 1992.

Company filing
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Company name changed solterocertificate issued on 05/08/21
filed on: 5th, August 2021 | change of name
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