Temi Beverage Company Limited, London
Temi Beverage Company Limited is a private limited company. Once, it was named Temi Gin Company Limited (it was changed on 2021-02-25). Registered at Royal Arsenal Gatehouse, Beresford Square, London SE18 6AR, this 3 years old company was incorporated on 2021-02-11 and is officially categorised as "wholesale of wine, beer, spirits and other alcoholic beverages" (SIC: 46342), "wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices" (Standard Industrial Classification: 46370).1 director can be found in the business: Oluwafunmilayo S. (appointed on 11 February 2021).
About | |
Name: Temi Beverage Company Limited | |
Number: 13197684 | |
Incorporation date: 2021-02-11 | |
End of financial year: 28 February |
Address: |
Royal Arsenal Gatehouse Beresford Square London SE18 6AR |
SIC code: |
46342 - Wholesale of wine, beer, spirits and other alcoholic beverages 46370 - Wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices |
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors |
Date of Accounts | 2022-02-28 | 2023-02-28 |
Current Assets | 1,101 | 6,316 |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 14,222 | 10,820 |
The due date for Temi Beverage Company Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-02-04. The latest one was filed on 2023-01-21. The target date for the next annual accounts filing is 30 November 2023. Previous accounts filing was submitted for the time period up until 28 February 2022.
1 person of significant control is reported in the Companies House, a solitary professional Oluwafunmilayo S. who owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights.
Type | Free download | |
GAZ2 |
Final Gazette dissolved via compulsory strike-off filed on: 25th, June 2024 | gazette |
Free Download (1 page) |