Woolton Developments Limited, Merseyside

Woolton Developments Limited is a private limited company. Located at 300 Smithdown Road, Liverpool, Merseyside L15 5AJ, this 23 years old business was incorporated on 2001-10-23 and is classified as "other letting and operating of own or leased real estate" (SIC: 68209).
3 directors can be found in this enterprise: John D. (appointed on 02 February 2018), Andrew D. (appointed on 02 February 2018), Hilda D. (appointed on 15 September 2009). As for the secretaries (1 in total), we can name: Hilda D. (appointed on 23 October 2001).
Name: Woolton Developments Limited
Number: 04309266
Incorporation date: 2001-10-23
End of financial year: 31 May
Address: 300 Smithdown Road
L15 5AJ
SIC code: 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate
Company staff
People with significant control
Hilda D.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
Financial data
Date of Accounts 2011-05-31 2012-05-31 2014-05-31 2015-05-31 2016-05-31 2017-05-31 2018-05-31 2019-05-31 2020-05-31 2021-05-31 2022-05-31 2023-05-31 2024-05-31
Current Assets 73,402 190,643 265,493 114,577 48,256 16,737 108,973 72,733 60,494 26,366 56,573 12,261 13,225
Fixed Assets 388,566 336,956 172,318 332,628 394,902 394,902 312,583 312,583 312,583 312,584 262,584 262,584 262,584
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 408,345 477,141 380,739 381,422 385,827 346,660 360,895 346,490 317,124 302,303 280,513 225,345 241,345
Number Shares Allotted - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 31,735 100,531 148,218 45,204 62,474 67,428 - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 388,566 336,956 - - - - - - - - - - -

The due date for Woolton Developments Limited confirmation statement filing is 2024-11-06. The most current one was sent on 2023-10-23. The date for a subsequent statutory accounts filing is 28 February 2025. Last accounts filing was submitted for the time period up to 31 May 2023.

1 person of significant control is listed in the official register, a solitary person Hilda D. that has over 3/4 of shares.

Company filing
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Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers
Micro company financial statements for the year ending on Fri, 31st May 2024
filed on: 28th, October 2024 | accounts
Free Download (4 pages)

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